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Clair Abilities


Audio Meditations to Connect and Enhance to your Clair Abilities

Shamans have always understood that we bring our world into conscious co-creation through our senses (Clair Abilities), also called raising our level of consciousness.


Our senses are a beautiful orchestration between the astral planes and this earthly existence.  The senses are an experience only available to us in human form.  The senses are reserved for the human experience of expression and offer an aliveness that is both of this world and out of this world simultaneously. How fitting therefore that the field of intelligence that surrounds us, intricately  resources our senses in order to connect with us. It is through our senses that we become present and enter through the gate of the infinite. 


Our senses, through our clairabilities become the communication highway between our human self and our divine self.  Just as the heart is the bridge between the lower chakras connected to our sense of self and the upper chakras connected to the space beyond our self, the senses offer the same keystone between our individual and conscious self.  


In order to expand the horizon line on what is possible I’ve created four meditations, one for each of the four main Clairs most often used to connect to the Conscious realm.  Clairaudio, clairsentient, claircognizence and clairvoyant  (my experience is that taste and smell bring us into our other Clairs).


You can purchase the meditation that most calls to you, however appreciate that we are all multi Clair. My recommendation is  to sit with the underlying current of understanding that clairs operate as a collective, like the chakras, and cannot be energetically separated. When you purchase the package of all four meditations you will play and delight with all of you that wants to engage with all that is.


Any Belief System, Any Tradition


Science has proven that when we meditate our body alchemy is transformed. A meditation practice helps you see and receive your highest Self, and stay closely connected to your heart’s mission.
I’ve created these audio meditation series for both beginners and seasoned practitioners:
Those of you who are new too Clair abilities or if you are a seasoned practitioner, you are invited play with the intelligence of these meditations to connect and enhance your clairabilities.

Ready for your expansion?


This offering is bran new, reviews are welcome.

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