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Unapologetic @ 50 Podcast: Connecting to Self through Yoga and Meditation

Updated: Oct 31, 2022

Yoga and meditation have both become increasingly popular nowadays. They’ve been used as an alternative form of exercise to keep the mind and body healthy and happy. For this episode, Sharon had the opportunity to chat with Heather Ivany to talk about some tips and different strategies people used, including yoga and meditation. Listen now to find out what exactly these techniques are and how they can benefit overall health.

About the Podcast, Unapologetic @ 50 with Sharon Fields:

Welcome to Unapologetic @ 50, it's time to celebrate being half of a hundred! This is an uncapped community special guest will share their life's journey and expertise, providing skills and techniques to help you create a new Midlife Narrative.

Unlimited conversations on the past, present and future of women nearing or in their 50's. Are you ready to step out and achieve your dreams, aspirations and hearts desires?

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